Tread and shred workout
Tread and shred workout

tread and shred workout

The workout consists of 8 sets of 8 reps per exercise with decreasing rest intervals between sets as you progress. Your goal with this workout is to progressively decrease rest intervals while increasing weight lifted, if you achieve this you’ll be able to increase muscle mass while reducing body fat. Similarly, the shortened rest intervals mean that your heart rate is elevated throughout the workout simulating the cardiovascular effects of an intense MetCon session. With this workout you achieve progressive overload in the form of high work density (meaning you’re getting more work done via sets and reps in a shorter amount of time than normal) allowing for more muscle damage, which ultimately results in muscle growth. Progressive overload is a key ingredient for hypertrophy. The “Honest Workout” training method can help you increase muscle size and lose body fat because of the way it combines volume and intensity.

tread and shred workout

This style of training is ideal for anyone looking to add muscle and lose fat in a time efficient manner. Think of it as high intensity interval strength training. It’s a high intensity, high volume workout with a unique approach for progressing by shortening rest periods. Much like it’s name, this workout will keep you honest about how much work you do in the gym. One of his favorite methods was the 8×8 workout, which he deemed the “honest” workout because of how much muscle fiber you could build in such a short amount of time. He was famous for cutting edge training and dieting methodologies. Vince Gironda was a legendary trainer of Mr Olympia winners and blockbuster Hollywood stars alike. If you’re a lifter with a bit more experience stuck in a plateau, consider trying Vince Gironda’s 8×8 method.

Tread and shred workout